Friday, September 9, 2011

Bad Boy in a Good Boy Suit.

Lauren and I went to a wedding tonight.  Funny how it was just over a year ago we stood on the altar. Now we've taken the next logical step in a Catholic’s life.

During the ceremony, all I could think about was our eventual child. At a time like this he'd be wearing a little suit, or she’d be wearing a pretty little dress. Probably complaining about the food, cause that's what Daddy's doing. My trips to the open bar will soon be replaced with changing dirty diapers in country club bathrooms. Photo shoots with my son climbing a tree or a fountain in his rented tux, or the same of me dancing with my little daughter.

So far, what they say about women being moody during their pregnancy has been untrue. In fact, Lauren has been so easy going, she's even coasted around my mood fluctuations with ease, not to mention class. She seems to smile more, laugh a lot, and be funnier than ever.
I asked her to text a friend for me while I drive and dictate a message. Instead, she texted "Jeremy is gay". I don't know what more I can say about that.

Lauren who has been experiencing morning sickness more and more frequently, and with more and more magnitude (and I'll point out, at the complete opposite time of day than it's moniker would have one think), caused us to skip out on the reception early, which under normal circumstances I would love, but I’ll admit I was having a lot fun, (surprising) watching Baby Fritz’s Grandpa Joe commit Social Assassination.

We went to bed, I kissed Lauren goodnight, and kissed my baby through her belly. If you told me, with my ears ringing on my way out of a show where I stage dove, and moshed it up, that someday I wouldn't be going to bed with my blood pumping and sweat drying, but instead listening to my wife breathing; I'd say, “No way man, I’m going to be young until I die”.

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